What Will Be Examined During an MRI of the Cervical Spine?
An MRI scan of the neck shows each vertebra or rather the cervical spine layer by layer. An MRI scan of your cervical spine can provide clarity about the cause of your neck pain or, equally important, rule out certain causes.
MRI of the Neck/Cervical Spine
Different causes can result in neck pain. In the case of chronic neck pain consider abnormalities such as wear and tear of the cervical vertebrae (arthrosis) or protrusion of an intervertebral disc (hernia) as causes as well as an incorrect working posture or the flu. The complaints can also occur due to incorrect posture at work or overloading of the neck.
MRI means magnetic resonance imaging. An MRI scan allows physicians to take pictures of the inside of your body. The MRI scanner receives signals from the body via a large magnet and radio waves. These are converted into images by a computer.
An MRI examination of the neck or cervical spine may be useful in case of the following complaints:
Cluster headaches, migraines, or tension headaches are all forms of recurring headaches. The cause is often stress, psychological pressure, or incorrect posture.
Dizziness, the feeling that everything is spinning, and an unsteady feeling in the legs. Two causes of dizziness are muscle tension and arthritis.
A stiff or painful feeling in the neck. This can be caused by incorrect posture, multiple sclerosis, worn cervical vertebrae, and neck posture syndromes.
Pain radiating from the neck into the arms. There may also be a loss of strength and tingling in the limbs. Causes include a neck hernia or (muscle) rheumatism.
Rather Early Than Too Late
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Content and price

MRI Examination of the Cervical Spine
This will be examined:
- Condition of the neck vertebrae
- Neck diseases such as a neck fracture, whiplash, or a tumour
Examination duration
ca. 30 Minutes
Written findings
from 480 €
For more information, please call +43 189 066 930 or send us an email.